
时间:2023-04-23 17:17:08   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络


Cleft epiphysis is a normal variant of an epiphysis. It can be either unilateral or bilateral  The most common site is the prepiphysis of the first proximal phalanx of the foot.


Radiographic features

Plain radiograph

Plain radiographs will demonstrate a lucent defect in the epiphysis. The borders of the lucency are variable and may be sharp or irregular. The cleft remains till the fusion of growth plate.



Differential diagnosis

A cleft epiphysis has to be differentiated from fracture. Generally fractures demonstrate signs of healing if the radiograph is repeated 2-3 weeks after injury. Recognition of this entity is important to avoid over treatment and unnecessary surgical intervention.

Cleft epiphysis意译为骨骺裂,结合临床病史及复查才能和骨折区分。



黄箭骨折;蓝箭是骨骺裂。LEFT a subtle lateral condyle fracture. Less than 2 mm displacement and probably stable. RIGHT a different case. Oblique view gives nice impression of fracture. Blue arrow indicates a cleft epiphysis of the radius (normal variant)

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